If you become unemployed

  1. As soon as you become unemployed, register as a job-seeker via the employment official’s online service.
  2. After two weeks, complete the daily allowance application in your unemployment fund’s online service.
How to apply for benefits keyboard-arrow-right Created with Sketch.

TE services will transfer to municipalities in 2025

Employment and Economic Development Offices (TE Offices) will be discontinued at the beginning of 2025. In the future, services for the unemployed and job seekers will be provided by their own municipality or by an employment region formed by multiple municipalities.

TE services will transfer keyboard-arrow-right Created with Sketch.

Calculate your allowance

Monthly salary

Become a member of an unemployment fund

If you are working, it is a good idea to join an unemployment fund. By joining a fund you can receive earnings-related allowance during unemployment.

Becoming a member keyboard-arrow-right Created with Sketch.


Moving for work?

Apply for mobility allowance for moving or commuting costs.

An hour’s commute can entitle you to mobility allowance. To get the allowance, you must be entitled to unemployment benefits before the work starts and the work must last for at least two months.

Mobility allowance for long work-related journeys keyboard-arrow-right Created with Sketch.